Note: This article applies to iOS users only at this time. Android users cannot save an Index contact to their device and must manually save an Index contact to their device's address book.
If you have an Index contact that you want to save to your iPhone's address book, you can do so with the most recent version of Index. Here's how:
From Index's address book:
- View your Index address book.
- Select the three dots (ellipsis) on the top-right of the screen.
- From the pop-up menu, select Save Contacts to iPhone.
- Select the contact(s) from your Index address book that you want to save to your iPhone.
- Select Save.
From the Contact Details Screen:
- Open up the Contact card (where their contact details reside)
- Scroll and tap "Save Contact to iPhone"
- The pop-up "Concact successfully added" will display
The selected Index contacts will now be stored in your iPhone's address book.