Index offers the ability to bulk/mass import contacts from a third-party data source into your Index address book. For example, if your business contacts are stored in Salesforce, Google contacts, Zoho, etc, and you'd like to import them to Index, you can easily do so by following the steps below.
How to import contacts
Step 1: Generate the verification code
To start the import process, you will first need to generate a code via Index mobile. This code helps us verify your account so that we can successfully import your contacts.
From the Index app:
- View your Index Address book.
- Tap the Add contact button at the top-right to open the menu.
- Choose Import Contacts.
- At the bottom of the screen, you'll be given a 6-digit code (which you'll use in the next step.)
Step 2: Start import process via Web
Tip: A desktop browser may be easier to use than your phone during the import process, depending on how your contacts are stored.
- Visit
- Enter the 6-digit verification code you were given.
- Select Continue.
Note: If you receive the 'Invalid code' error you might have entered the wrong code, or the code has exceeded 24 hours and is no longer valid.
Step 3: Upload File (VCF or CSV)
Once you've entered the code successfully:
- Choose the contact file you wish to import.
- Click Import Contacts.
- You'll receive a 'Success!' message when importing your contacts has been completed.
Important items to note:
- The file you’re importing must be under 10,000 contacts (3MB max) or you will receive the error 'File exceeds 10,000 contacts.'
- The name and phone number are required fields for importing.
- You may upload multiple files (but only one at a time).
- Duplicate contacts are not imported.
- Email & address fields will be imported (if included in the file). All other fields will be saved to the 'Notes' section for each contact.
'Format Issue Detected' Error Message
You'll receive an error message if your VCF/CSV file is not labeled correctly. We require the following headers to be clearly indicated on your file:
- Contact Name (first and last name separated into two columns)
- Contact Phone Number
If these headers are blank, not labeled correctly, and/or in a non-English language, you'll receive the 'Format Issue Detected' error message seen below. We rely on the 'Name' and 'Phone Number' fields for importing, and without them, we cannot successfully pair your contact name with their number.
Please note:
- It may take some time for your mobile device to download a large contact list the first time you open the app after importing, so you may experience some slowness initially after the import.
- Your newly imported contacts might not show up instantly (and while the import is in progress)
If you have further questions or need assistance with importing your contacts to Pro, please submit a request.
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