Index Web Login Page:
Sending picture messages is easy with Index Web. There are two ways to attach a file to a message in Index Web:
Attach a File Method
Via desktop browser:
- Click located to the left of the message field.
- Choose the desired picture file from your desktop.
- Click the send arrow or tap 'Enter' on your keyboard to send the image.
Via mobile browser:
- Click located to the left of the message field.
- Select Photo Library (to choose from your gallery) or Take Photo (to create a new photo).
- Select Choose when you've selected an image.
- Tap the send arrow to send the image.
Drag and Drop Method
- Drag and drop the desired picture file into the conversation screen.
- The image should display in the text field.
- Click the send arrow or tap Enter on your keyboard to send the image.
Please note: You cannot copy/paste images in Index Web. Only JPEG, JPG, PNG, and GIF files are supported.