This article includes information on how to edit an existing Appointment to customize the default calendar settings to fit your appointment needs.
More customizations are offered after you create a new appointment, so we suggest reviewing your current appointment details and updating them as needed.
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You have the following tabs available to edit/customize with an existing appointment:
Appointment Details
On the "Appointment Type" screen, you will be prompted to enter some basic information about the appointment. Enter the following information:
Enter the name that you want to be displayed to clients as the appointment type you offer. Note that this is required and will cause an error if left blank.
Enter the length of the appointment. You have the following options:
- In minutes: 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
- In hours: 1-23 max
Select an option of how and where the appointment will take place. Options:
- Video Conference
- In-Person Meeting (includes the physical address)
- Phone Call
- None - To be announced
Select the days of the week AND times you offer your appointments. Use the "Start Time", "End Time" and "Repeat" sections to customize your business hours.
If no changes need to be made and everything looks good as-is, select "Save"
Note: It's important to exclude any specific days or the week or times you aren't available so they will not be available when clients are booking with you.
Booking Options
Include how much in advance you'd like your clients to be able to see your calendar availability and book an appointment.
Fill out the following sections:
- Minimum notice
- Maximum notice
- Buffer Time
- Cancellation Notice
Booking Form
This section includes what information you'd like to collect for the appointment booking. Some default options include:
- Name
- Phone Number
Optional fields:
- "Add Custom Field" to collect custom info from your customers.
- "Submit" button label (default)
- you can customize what the button says when customers are submitting their form, up to 20 characters max is allowed.
You can choose to have the bookings be automatic (auto-confirmed) or manual (you will be notified and can confirm or decline bookings manually)
Thank You Message
Add a custom message after a client books an appointment with you.
Allows you to send a reminder(s) ahead of the scheduled appointment time. Option to send out email and/or text reminders.
Time options are:
Minutes: 15-90 mins in advance (scheduled in 15-minute increments)
Hours: 1-24 hours in advance
Days: 1-30 days in advance
Note: You can schedule multiple reminders. Click "Add" to save each reminder.
Questions? Submit a request.
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To edit your existing appointment types via Index Web:
- Log into Index Web.
- At the top of the page, select the "Appointments" tab.
- Locate the Appointment you want and select "Edit".
- View the information below to understand what edit options you have.
You have the following tabs available to edit/customize with an existing appointment:
Event Info
The Event Info tab of the Schedule Editor allows you to configure various properties about your appointment type, including the title and location.
Name & Location
- Enter the name of the appointment (what you'd like your customers to see when booking)
- Location: Physical address of where the appointment will take place.
The length of each calendar event. Options:
- In minutes: 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
- In hours: 1-23
Min. Booking Notice
How far in advance the appointment must be scheduled. The default is 2 hours. Options:
- In hours: 0-23
- In days: 0-30
Min. Cancel Notice
How far in advance the appointments must be canceled via the booking page. The default is 3 hours. Options:
- In hours: 0-23
- In days: 0-30
Future Limit
How far in advance appointments are allowed to be scheduled. The default is 4 weeks.
For example, you want clients to be able to book an appointment with you 1 month in advance, so if it's October 1st, clients will be able to view the calendar up to November 1st and book an appointment.
- In days: 1-30
- In weeks: 1-4
- In months: 1-6
Buffer Time
This allows you to set the "gap" between your appointment times. The default is 30 minutes.
For example, you offer a 45-minute appointment but want a 15-minute gap to prep for your next appointment. You'd select 15 in the minutes drop-down.
- In minutes: 0, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
- In hours: 0-23
Tip: If you don't want a time gap between appointments, you'd select 0 in the minutes drop-down.
Cancellation Policy
Optional, but allows you to ask your clients to provide a brief reason for cancelation.
This includes the calendar you currently have linked to the Appointments feature and the one that will be used for client bookings.
Opening Hours
Time Zone
This is the time zone where your appointment will be offered. Please ensure you have the correct time zone selected so that you provide the correct time(s) to your clients when they are booking an appointment.
Opening Hours
Select the days of the week AND times you offer your appointments. These specifics will then be available to your clients when they are booking an appointment so it's important to exclude any specific days or the week or times you aren't available.
Custom Fields
What info should guests provide?
We require the following contact details from your clients upon booking an appointment. These details will display on your booking confirmation email and in your calendar in case you need to contact them:
- Name
- Phone Number
You can also request additional booking details (optional), and add a label to them.
Example of when a custom field may be helpful:
You're a masseuse and you want to know if you're client is allergic to any topical lotions you use in your session. You may want to add an additional field to gather this information prior to the appointment so you can prepare or offer alternatives.
How you would set this up:
Under Custom Fields and in the "Label" section, you could add something like "Known Allergies?" and in the "Type" drop-down you would select either a dropdown option or maybe a multi-line text (if you want them to type in what allergies they have).
Questions? Submit a request.
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