Index subscribers have the ability to label contacts with tags to help organize their address book based on the types of contacts they have. This article outlines how Index subscribers can create, add, or manage tags.
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Topics included in this section:
- Creating a new tag
- Adding a tag
- Viewing a list of contacts with a specific tag
- Editing a tag list
- Rename, Modify, Delete
To create a new tag:
- Index Settings.
- Under Tools, select Tags.
- Select Create Tag.
- Enter a name for the tag, then select Save.
- Select the contact(s) you'd like to apply to the new tag, then select Add (or tap cancel to save the tag to your list & add contacts at a later time).
FYI: You can also add a new tag from the Contact details screen by simply typing in the new tag and tapping enter on the keyboard. Your new tag will be added to your tag list.
To add a tag to a contact:
- View your Index address book.
- Search and locate the contact you want to add a tag(s) to & tap to open the Contact Details screen.
- Tap Add Tags.
- Type the existing tag name (or enter a new one to add to your tag list), then tap return on the keyboard to apply the tag.
- Tip: Tap an existing tag (located above your keyboard in gray) to quickly apply the tag without having to type it in.
- The tag(s) will automatically display under the contact name confirming that the tags have been added successfully.
Note: You can add more than one tag to a contact.
To view the contacts who are associated with a tag:
You can easily view the list of contacts that include a specific tag by viewing your tag list.
- Index Settings.
- Under Tools, select Tags.
- A list of your current tags will display.
- Select the tag name to open the list of contacts that are currently included.
Editing a Tag List
To make changes to a tag list, follow steps 1-4 above, then select Edit (top-right) to make changes to your tag.
You have the following edit options:
- Rename Tag
- Modify Tag List
- Delete Tag
Change the tag name, then tap Save.
Add or remove contacts associated with the tag. Simply select (to add) or de-select (to remove) the contacts, then select Done to save the changes made.
You can delete a tag from the list or delete a tag from an individual contact. Here are steps for both:
Tag list
- Index Settings.
- Under Tools, select Tags.
- A list of your current tags will display.
- Select the tag name to open, then tap Edit.
- Select Delete Tag, then confirm by tapping Delete one more time.
Note: If you delete a tag, it will be removed from all contacts that the tag was associated with.
Individual contact
- Index address book.
- Locate the contact and tap to view the Contact Details screen, then tap Edit.
- Tap the x (next to the tag name) to remove the tag from the contact.
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Index Android subscribers can add tags to their contacts to help keep them organized. Read below to learn how to add, search for, or delete a tag.
To create a new tag:
- View your Index address book.
- Search and locate the contact you want to add the new tag to & tap to open the Contact Details screen.
- Type in the NEW tag(s) and tap enter on the keyboard to apply the new tag to the contact (and to save for future use)
To add a tag to a contact:
- View your Index address book.
- Search and locate the contact you want to add a tag(s) to & tap to open the Contact Details screen.
- Tap Add Tags.
- Type in the existing tag name (or enter a new one), then tap return on the keyboard to apply the tag.
- Tip: Once you start typing, tap an existing tag (located above the Add Tags field in gray) to quickly apply the tag.
- The tag(s) will automatically display under the contact name confirming that the tag has been added successfully.
- Tap Save to save the tags to the contact.
- You can add more than one tag to a contact.
- To view the tags currently applied to a contact, open the Contact details screen to view the contact info (all tags will be shown in gray)
Current Limitations
Tags cannot be associated with a contact that has multiple phone numbers. In short:
- You cannot add tags to a contact that has multiple numbers.
- If a contact currently has a tag(s) associated with it, you cannot add additional numbers to the same contact.
Short-term solution: Depending on your situation, you will have to either: 1) remove the additional numbers for the contact so you can add tags or 2) remove any existing tag so you can add the additional number(s)
To delete a tag:
- View your Index address book.
- Locate the contact and tap to view the Contact Details screen, then tap Edit.
- Tap the x (next to the tag name) to remove the tag from the contact.
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Check out this article for detailed steps on how to create, edit and delete tags using Index Web.
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