Please note: This article is for help with troubleshooting calling issues for Android or iOS users within the Index app.
If you need further assistance in troubleshooting calling issues for your device (not related to Index), please visit Android Support or Apple Support.
If you're only seeing a notification of a missed call or voicemail in your Index inbox but did not see the incoming call, please just read the steps below to troubleshoot your calling issues further.
--Tab 1 Start--
Accordion Section 1 Name: Clear Cache
Clearing cache on your Index app and/or your browser will help clear any bad data and help to improve the functionality of Index.
Instructions to do this can be found in our Help Site article: How to clear cache & cookies
Accordion Section 2 Name: Complete the basic troubleshooting steps
Please visit our help site article for the basic troubleshooting steps which might help resolve your calling issues.
Accordion Section 3 Name: Disable "Forward Calls to Voicemail" in Index Settings
This feature is for when you receive a call to your Index number, the caller will be sent straight to the Index voicemail greeting you've set.
However, if you are not receiving calls within Index, disable "Forward Calls to Voicemail" to troubleshoot calling issues.
- Open Index.
- Tap Settings.
- Under Settings, ensure Forward Calls to Voicemail is turned off. (When enabled, all calls will be sent directly to voicemail and your phone will not ring.)
Additional step: Confirm your device's Do Not Disturb setting is disabled as this will prevent you from receiving Index calls (they will not ring and go straight to voicemail.)
Accordion Section 4 Name: Ensure that your device is not blocking Index calls
If your device is blocking unknown numbers, you will not receive Index calls. To disable this Android feature, see the steps below:
- Tap on your device's 'home screen'
- Tap the 'phone icon'
- Tap 'More' (top right)
- Tap 'Settings'
- Tap 'Call Blocking/Rejection'
- Tap 'Block List'
- Toggle 'Auto Reject Anonymous Number'
Note: If you have Robokiller or Truecaller installed, this can place a block on our pilot numbers preventing you from receiving any calls.
Galaxy Devices: There are some differences and/or additions in these troubleshooting steps if you happen to have a Samsung Galaxy device, and if the above steps haven't been successful, see below:
- Tap on your device's 'home screen'
- Tap the 'phone icon'
- Tap the three dots on the top right of the dial pad screen
- Tap 'Settings'
- Tap 'Block numbers' >> ensure that the 'Block unknown callers' option is disabled
Accordion Section 5 Name: Check your device to ensure that it is not blocking the pilot number
The pilot number is used to route your calls to Index. For more information on how a pilot number works, click here.
- Go to your device's Settings
- Call >> Call Block
- 'Call Block List' or 'Auto Reject'
- Remove the pilot number from the list
Accordion Section 6 Name: Check your Samsung Secure Folder
If you are prompted to select an action this is more than likely due to your Index app being housed in the Samsung Secure Folder. The popup to choose which app to call out from will display, and those apps in the secure folder will have a file folder icon.
To allow calls to be placed through Index, you will simply need to remove the app from the secure folder.
More info on Samsung Secure Folder can be found here.
Accordion Section 7 Name: Carrier-related causes: Ensure your "spam block" feature (if applicable) is disabled
AT&T customers
AT&T offers a service called 'Mobile Security & Call Protect' which identifies any fraudulent/spam calls. With this enabled, it could cause you to miss your incoming calls (it will go straight to voicemail). To start receiving calls, please disable 'Mobile Security & Call Protect' on your AT&T account.
Please view AT&T's website for more information on this service.
To disable this feature:
- Go to "My Wireless" on AT&T Web Portal
- Tap 'Get or manage add-ons'
- Uner your line number: you will see the "Mobile Security & Call Protect" feature
- Click the feature to remove/disable
Verizon customers
Verizon offers a service called "Call Filter Plus" spam detection and high-risk call blocking. To learn more, please visit Verizon's help site article: Call Filter how to use guide.
To disable this feature:
- Open the Call Filter app
- Tap Account
- Tap Subscription status
- Tap Turn off free
- Select the reason for turning off and tap Turn off
- Tap OK
Republic Wireless customers
If you are a Republic Wireless customer and are having trouble connecting your calls through Index, we recommend going to your carrier to notify them of this issue. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do as the error is on their end.
T-Mobile customers
T- mobile offers a service called "Call Protection Solutions." Each of these services "Put scammers in their place and answers all your calls worry-free."
- Scam ID identifies potential spam calls and robocalls and notifies you on your phone as the call is incoming. The caller ID displays “Scam Likely” instead of the number, but the call still goes through for you to answer it.
- Scam block prevents any "Scam Likely" calls from getting through and will not ring to your device. T-Mobile has automatically enabled Scam Block on our pilot numbers-the numbers we use to connect your calls which is why you are only being notified of a missed call.
Fortunately, there is a quick fix to this - Once you disable Scam Block on your T-Mobile account, your calls will be able to connect properly.
--Accordion End--
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Should you have further issues with calling or need assistance, please contact support.
--Tab 2 Start--
Accordion Section 1 Name: Check iPhone Settings
As a first step, please check the following iPhone settings.
1. Disable "Do Not Disturb" Setting
- Tap on your iPhone's 'Settings'
- Scroll to 'Do Not Disturb'
- Swipe left to ensure the mode is turned off.
Important: If 'Do Not Disturb' is 'on', and you have 'While iPhone is locked' silence selected, you will not be notified of your inbound Index calls.
2. Disable "Silence Unknown Callers" Setting
- Open your iPhone Settings.
- Tap on “Phone”
- Silence Unknown Callers.
Either of the device settings above (if enabled) will prevent you from receiving Index calls (calls will not ring and go straight to voicemail).
Accordion Section 2 Name: Disable "Forward Calls to Voicemail" in Index Settings
This feature is for when you receive a call to your Index number, the caller will be sent straight to the Index voicemail greeting you've set.
However, if you are not receiving calls within Index, disable "Forward Calls to Voicemail" to troubleshoot calling issues.
- Index Settings
- Scroll to "Forward Calls to Voicemail" >> swipe left to 'disable'
Accordion Section 3 Name: Ensure that your iPhone is not blocking Index calls
If your device is blocking unknown numbers, you will not receive Index calls. To disable this feature, see the steps below:
- Access your iPhone's 'Home Screen'
- Tap on 'Settings'
- Scroll down and tap on 'Phone'
- 'Tap on 'Call Blocking & Identification
- If you see the contact 'Incoming Index Call' listed in this section, please remove it from your block list.
- If the contact information shows “Block Caller” please let us know, and we can continue to troubleshoot this issue.
Note: If you have Robokiller or Truecaller installed, this can place a block on our pilot numbers preventing you from receiving any calls.
Accordion Section 4 Name: Carrier-related causes: Ensure your "spam block" feature (if applicable) is disabled
AT&T customers
AT&T offers a service called "Mobile Security & Call Protect" which identifies any fraudulent/spam calls. With this enabled, it could cause you to miss your incoming calls (it will go straight to voicemail). To start receiving calls, please disable "Mobile Security & Call Protect" on your AT&T account.
Please view AT&T's website for more information on this service.
To disable this feature:
- Go to "My Wireless" on AT&T Web Portal
- Tap 'Get or manage add-ons'
- Uner your line number: you will see the "Mobile Security & Call Protect" feature
- Click the feature to remove/disable
Verizon Customers
Verizon offers a service called "Call Filter Plus" spam detection and high-risk call blocking. To learn more, please visit Verizon's help site article: Call Filter how to use guide
To disable this feature:
- Open the Call Filter app.
- Go to Settings.
- Under Account, Status tap Turn off.
Republic Wireless customers
If you are a Republic Wireless customer and are having trouble connecting your calls through Index, we recommend going to your carrier to notify them of this issue. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do as the error is on their end.
T-Mobile customers
T- mobile offers a service called "Call Protection Solutions." Each of these services "Put scammers in their place and answers all your calls worry-free."
- Scam ID identifies potential spam calls and robocalls and notifies you on your phone as the call is incoming. The caller ID displays “Scam Likely” instead of the number, but the call still goes through for you to answer it.
- Scam block prevents any "Scam Likely" calls from getting through and will not ring to your device. T-Mobile has automatically enabled Scam Block on our pilot numbers; the numbers we use to connect your calls which is why you are only being notified of a missed call.
Fortunately, there is a quick fix to this - Once you disable Scam Block on your T-Mobile account, your calls will be able to connect properly.
--Accordion End--
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Should you have further issues with calling or need assistance, please contact support.
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