Index Web Login Page:
Broadcast messages can now be created or managed via Index Web, whereas previously this could only be done using the Index app. For info on how to create/manage Broadcasts with mobile, click here.
Creating a New Broadcast Message
- Log in to view your Index Web account.
- Select the Broadcast tab (seen in the header on the far-right).
- Click the Create Broadcast button.
- From there, an 'Understanding Broadcast Regulations' pop-up will be presented. Click Continue if you agree to the terms.
- You will then see a list of your existing Index contacts and tags.
- You can use the search bar or toggle between the "Contacts" and "Tags' tabs to select the recipients you'd like to add to the Broadcast message.
- Click the contacts or tag groups you want to add to the Broadcast (they will appear with a blue checkmark).
- A max of 24 contacts can be added to one Broadcast message.
- Click the X to remove contacts from the Broadcast list at any time.
- Once you've selected the contacts to add, click the Next button.
- A "Name Recipient List" window will pop up:
- Give your Broadcast list a name, then click Save.
- Or select "Skip" if you'd like to save your list as a draft & add the name at a later time.
You're newly created Broadcast list will be shown as a line item on the left (as you would see a group message for example) and when highlighted, you can view the list of recipients on the right-hand side)
Managing a Broadcast List
Add or Remove Recipients
- Log in to view your Index Web account.
- Select the Broadcast tab (seen in the header on the far right).
- Select the Broadcast list you'd like to modify (seen in the column on the left).
- Click Edit on the top of the recipient's list (if you don't see that button, click , then View Recipients to open the list where the Edit button resides).
- Select (or de-select) the contacts.
- Click Next to save your changes.
Edit Broadcast Name
- Select the Broadcast tab (seen in the header on the far right).
- Select the Broadcast list you'd like to modify (seen in the column on the left).
- Click the
- Select Edit Name from the drop-down list.
- Revise the Broadcast name.
- Select Save.
Delete Broadcast
- Select the Broadcast tab (seen in the header on the far right).
- Select the Broadcast list you'd like to modify (seen in the column on the left).
Hover over the Broadcast list (left-hand side), then click the to delete.
- Click the , then select Delete Broadcast from the menu (pictured below).
- Confirm by clicking the red delete button.
For further assistance with Broadcast and Web, please contact us.