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Accordion Section 1 Name: Check your phone's internet connection
Notifications require a persistent internet connection in order to work. If you lose your network connection, or your connection is weak, then your notifications may not come through.
To test your connection:
- Disconnect from your current network
- Try connecting to a different network to see if it is your internet that has a poor connection.
Accordion Section 2 Name: Disable "Do Not Disturb Mode"
If you have 'do not disturb' enabled, all calls and texts will be silenced on your device, thus you will not receive notifications.
To disable on your Android Device:
- Device Settings
- Sounds and notifications
- Do not disturb >> off
Please note: the steps to disable "do not disturb" mode seen above may vary per Android device.
Accordion Section 3 Name: Enable sound notifications in Index
Double-check the following settings to make sure you’ve allowed your Index app to receive push notifications:
- Open the Index app
- Tap 'Settings'
- Scroll to find the “Default Ringtone” and “Default Text Tone"
- Confirm that you have a tone selected for both (to ensure you receive notifications)
Accordion Section 4 Name: Enable sound notifications on your Android device
If your sound settings are correct within Index, please confirm that your device’s sound settings are turned on:
- Go to the Settings menu on your device
- Tap “Sounds”
- Ensure that the “silent” mode is off and that the volume is up
Accordion Section 5 Name: Perform a clean reinstall
Important: Index does not support OS versions below 8. Devices on OS 7 or below can still use the app, but will no longer be able to install any new versions of the app from the Google Play Store, which often contain bug fixes or updates to the existing features or functionality.
To perform a clean reinstall:
- Delete the app
- Restart your device (most important step)
- Reinstall the app from your Google Play app store
- Log in with your Index number and password
Please note: Doing this will clear out any bad data in the app and ensure you are on the latest version.
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If the above steps do not resolve the issue and you are still unable to receive Index notifications, please contact support for further assistance.
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Accordion Section 1 Name: Check your phone's internet connection
Notifications require a persistent internet connection in order to work. If you lose your network connection, or your connection is weak, then your notifications may not come through.
To test your connection:
- Disconnect from your current network
- Try connecting to a different network to see if it is your internet that has a poor connection.
Accordion Section 2 Name: Disable "Do Not Disturb Mode"
If you have 'do not disturb' enabled, all calls and texts will be silenced on your device, thus you will not receive notifications.
To disable on your iPhone:
- Device Settings
- Click 'Do Not Disturb'
- Tap the green bar to disable (if not green is visible, you have disabled 'Do Not Disturb' properly
Please note: the steps to disable "do not disturb" mode seen above may vary per iPhone.
Accordion Section 3 Name: Enable notification permissions
It is important to allow notifications for Index in order to be alerted on any new texts, calls and/or voicemails or other incoming activity.
If notifications are disabled, you will not be made aware of any new messages/calls until you open the app.
To enable Index notification permissions from the app:
- Index 'Settings'
- Tap 'Support'
- Tap 'Manage Permissions'
- Tap 'Notifications'
- Tap 'Allow Notifications'
- Choose the way you want to see your Index notifications:
- Show on lock screen: this will ensure your notifications appear when your phone is locked
- Show in history: this will ensure your notifications appear in your notification history (swiping down from the top of your screen when your phone is unlocked)
- Show as banners: this will display a banner notification when your device is unlocked
- Confirm that sound and badge notifications are enabled as well
Accordion Section 4 Name: Enable sound notifications in App
Double-check the following settings to make sure you’ve allowed your Index app to receive push notifications:
- Open the Index app
- Tap 'Settings'
- Tap 'Sounds'
- Scroll to find the “Ringtone” and “Text Tone"
- Confirm that you have a tone selected for both (to ensure you receive notifications)
Accordion Section 5 Name: Enable sound notifications on your iPhone
If your sound settings are correct within Index, please confirm that your device’s sound settings are turned on:
- Go to the Settings menu on your device
- Tap “Sounds”
- Ensure that the “silent” mode is off and that the volume is up
Accordion Section 6 Name: Perform a clean reinstall
Important: Index does not support iOS versions below 15. In order to use Index, you must have iOS 15+ on your device.
To perform a clean reinstall with your Index app on your iPhone:
- Delete the app
- Restart your device (most important step)
- Reinstall the app from the iTunes store
- Log in with your Index number and password
Please note: Doing this will clear out any bad data in the app and ensure you are on the latest version
--Accordion End--
If the above steps do not resolve the issue and you are still unable to receive Index notifications, please contact support for further assistance.
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