If you wish to proactively update your password while logged into your Index account, you can do so from either:
- Index mobile
- Index Web
Index Password Requirements
New passwords must contain:
- At least 8 characters.
- At least 1 upper case letter.
- At least 1 special character. (such as !?*&%@)
- At least 1 number.
Note: Passwords cannot contain spaces. If they do, you'll see an "Invalid Password" error message.
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Please ensure your new password meets the requirements seen above.
Changing your password via Index mobile:
- Log into Index.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Account Info.
- Type in your current password in the 'Old Password' field.
- Type in your New Password.
- Ensure your password meets all of the requirements seen above.
- When all password requirements have been met, tap the Save button to update your password.
Note: If you are unable to save your new password, please confirm there's a checkmark next to EACH of the password requirements. If you see one or more of the requirements in red, this indicates that you have not met those requirements and cannot save until you do so.
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Please ensure your new password meets the requirements seen above.
Changing your password via Index mobile:
While logged into your account:
- Log into Index.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Account Info.
- Tap Change Password.
- Enter your current password.
- Enter your new password.
- Confirm your new password by entering it for a second time.
- Ensure your password meets all of the requirements seen above.
- When all password requirements have been met, tap Update to save your new password.
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Changing your password via Index Web:
- Log into your Index Web account.
- Click the drop-down menu located to the right of your Index number.
- From the menu, select Settings.
- In the Current Password field, enter your current password.
- Enter the new password you'd like to use.
- Confirm your new password by entering it again.
- Ensure your password meets all of the requirements seen above.
- When all password requirements have been met, tap Save.
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